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Treating hair problems with ayurveda.

Writer's picture: Dr Shivam MongaDr Shivam Monga

Updated: Feb 13, 2021

For most of us, a good hair day instantly puts us in a good mood. Such is the importance of our hair.Though every single person experiences some amount of hair fall on a daily basis – in fact, even animals do! The question is the extent of hair loss. They say as many as a hundred strands a day is normal! So, the problem is when you have more hair loss than that and falling hair do break our heart Or, when there is no compensating hair growth.

Our mood is even affected by a rare bad hair day, imagine how dreadful it’s to deal with your precious hair locks beginning to fall off.

After a certain age Hair loss, hair thinning, signs of early greying and balding of hair is a normal phenomenon. But now they are increasingly common in a majority of young people these days. one should look for care to prevent white hair and promote natural regrowth of hair.

So, what should you do? How do you deal with this problem and eliminate it from the root?? Well, one possible solution is Ayurveda for your hair loss woes. To rescue you from the dull, greying, frizzy and thinning hair our team of doctors is ready to help you. Make your first step to have dense, long and lustrous hair again and you might find this article useful as we have compiled our best advice on managing hair loss at its early stages.

Ayurveda and hair

The Ayurvedic system is based on the concept of keeping the three dosha levels - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha - in balance. According to Ayurveda, hair fall occurs when there is an imbalance in these doshas, which form your innate Prakriti. Thus, in order to reverse hair loss, you need to work upon balancing your Ayurvedic doshas.

In order to achieve and maintain such a balanced state of dosha levels, one must follow Ayurveda on regular basis and when you do, you will see the improvement in your over all health not just reduced hairfall.

Below are the fundamental aspects responsible for dosha imbalances in your body:

1. Poor Nutrition

When your diet lacks essential nutrients [1] like Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K along with iron, magnesium, zinc, protein, etc., it leads to the elevation of Vata dosha in your body, leading to hair fall and hair loss.

2. Stress & Anxiety

Pitta levels in the body spike up when you undergo severe emotional and physical stress. When you are stressful and anxious, your body secretes excessive hormones to prepare itself to combat any potential threat it assumes to receive.

These sudden hormonal changes in the body affect hair growth. Unless it is a life-threatening situation, it is not good for your body to undergo stress-related hormonal changes.

stressed worried woman with hands on head

3. Poor Lifestyle

If factors like toxic or polluted environments, alcohol, smoking, etc., are part of your lifestyle, then you may have severe hair loss due to the build-up of excess oxidative stress in your body.

Increased hair fall in ayurveda is termed as khalitya and is classified under shiroroga.

Romakupagata / keshamulagata vitiated pitta (bhrajaka pitta) along with vitiated vata leads to dis-lodgement or withering of the hair from the hair roots. Further to this, vitiated sleshma / kapha along with rakta will cover and causes obstruction to the hair root, which results in no further hair growth from that place.

Increased intake of fried, sour, spicy, salty, and fermented foods, as well as tea and coffee, aggravate the Pitta Dosha (Ayurvedichumour representing Fire) in the body. This Pitta accumulates in the skin of the scalp, leading to hair falling out and greying prematurely. Factors like excessive anger and stress are also responsible. Excessive consumption of alcohol and meat also aggravate Pitta.

Khalitya is primarily a Pitta predominant tridoshajanya vyadhi (all three doshas vitiated disease). But based on the predominance of dosha, is divided into following types.

Vataja Khalitya : In this type, Keshbhoomi or scalp appears as if it is Agnidagdha(thick like the scars of burn) and it becomes brittle and brownish.When Vata dosha spikes in your body, it dehydrates your scalp tissues. Your hair follicles lack protection from harsh conditions like UV radiation. This creates breakage and split ends in your dry hair. The roots also become weak and hair falls off from the damaged follicles. Eventually, these damaged follicles become dormant, causing hair loss.

If you display an imbalance in Vata dosha symptoms, your hair is susceptible to become excessively dry, frizzy and brittle. Normal vata hair is dry and brittle.

Pittaja Khalitya : In this type the colour of scalp appears as Peeta, Neela and Harita. The scalp is surrounded by the Siras (venous congestion). Sweat may be found all over scalp.

When Pitta elevates in your body, your scalp tissues receive excess heat from inside. This causes inflammation in your follicles, which weakens your hair roots. The inflamed follicles fail to nourish the hair, leading to hair fall and premature greying.

If you display an imbalance in Pitta dosha symptoms, you are likely to have receding hairlines and a thinning texture in your hair. The heat in the scalp leads to colour changes. For instance, your hair might manifest a brownish tinge/shade, if it is not normally brown. This can lead to greying of hair and balding. Normal pitta hair is thin and can be brown.

Kaphaja Khalitya : In this type, the colour of the scalp is more or less same as the colour of skin but here it is Ghana and Snigdha in appearance and the colour tends towards whitish tinge. The scalp becomes more thicker.

When Kapha level raises, your scalp starts over secretion of sebum. The sebum build-up clogs the hair follicle receptors, from where it receives nutrients from the blood. This prevents hair growth. Greasy scalp with oily dandruff is caused due to Kapha aggravation in your body.

If you display imbalance in Kapha dosha symptoms, you are likely to have excessively oily and sticky hair. This can lead to blocks in the follicles of your scalp. This leads to hair fall. Normal kapha hair is thick.

Sannipataja or Tridoshaja Khalitya : In this type of Khalitya, characteristic of all the three Doshas are observed. The scalp looks like burnt and it bears nail like appearance.

How hair becomes when doshas are in imbalance

Vata - Tendency to become dry, brittle Frizzy and brittle hair with dandruff and split ends

Pitta- Tendency to become thin, oily,silky Premature greying and balding of hair

Kapha - Tendency to become oily, thick, Clogged and extremely oily scalp

In every condition, there is a need to remove toxins from your system, whether you know the cause of it or not. So detoxification is of the essence.


As per Ayurveda, hair is a direct by-product of the quality of your bone tissue. If there is weakness in the bone tissue, hair loss is a natural result.


To understand more let’s study the structure of our hair strands. A hair follicle anchors each strand of hair into the skin, and a hair bulb forms the base of the hair follicle. Inside this hair bulb, living cells divide and grow to build the hair shaft. The blood vessels nourish these cells in the hair bulb and deliver hormones that modify hair growth and hair structure at different times of life.

Hair tends to grow at different rates in different people, on average, though, it grows around one-half inch per month. Since, on average, you can lose up to 100 strands of hair in a day, but for most people, the rate of hair new hair growth is such that it compensates for the daily loss of hair. But in some cases, this cycle of hair growth and shedding is disturbed when the hair follicles that we talked about earlier in this section get destroyed and replaced by scar tissues.

The normal cycle of hair growth lasts for 2 to 6 years and each hair grows approximately one centimeter (less than half an inch) per month during this phase. About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any one time. About 10 percent of the hair on your scalp, at any one time, is in a resting phase. After 2 to 3 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place.

Both men and women tend to lose hair thickness and amount as they age. But with regular care and nourishing routines it can be delayed and slowed to quite an extent.



1.Due to diseases such as typhoid

2.Iron deficiency ( low haemoglobin ,anaemia ): Not getting enough iron can lead to hair loss.

3.Hormonal imbalances(thyroid disorders)

4.Frequent headaches

5.Not oiling hair: Hair do not get adequate nourishment.

6.Not taking balanced diet

7.Baldness in family ( genetic problem): Male pattern baldness or thinning of hair (which could be of hereditary origin), Genetic baldness is caused by the body’s failure to produce new hairs and not by excessive hair loss.

It is the most common cause of hair loss in men. Men who have this type of hair loss usually have inherited the trait. Men who start losing their hair at an early age tend to develop more extensive baldness. In male-pattern baldness, hair loss typically results in a receding hair line and baldness on the top of the head.

8.Tension, stress: Experiencing a traumatic event(e.g., death of a loved one or divorce,after effects of accident) can cause hair loss.

9.dandruff .

The dandruff can be of many types; scaly dandruff is like big thick scales which when plucked cause hair to fall,

granules like dandruff which looks like wheat flour

and there is invisible dandruff too which is visible only under magnifying glass and is gathered near hair root and inhibits many parasites.

10.Thinning of hair in females after delivery,Giving birth: After giving birth, some women have noticeable hair loss. Falling estrogen levels cause this type of hair loss.Women may develop female-pattern baldness. In this form of hair loss, the hair can become thin over the entire scalp. The hair loss is temporary. In a few months, women see their hair re-grow.

11.During Menopause is a routine occurrence for women: Hair loss is common during menopause. This loss is often temporary. Hair re-grows with time. If a woman is 40 years of age or older, she should not expect her hair to have the fullness that it did when she was younger

12.Using of various hair styling products which might harm hair and its roots: Among women, regularly tying the hair too tightly with rubber bands, and using hair brushes which are not wide-toothed, can cause hair loss - this is also known as Traction Alopecia.

Your hairstyle and even some of the products you use on your hair can cause hair loss.

Example: Frequent bleaching, Regular or improper use of dyes, gels, relaxers, hair sprays, Blow dryers, flat irons, and other devices.

Frequent use of a blow dryer tends to damage hair. The high heat from a blow dryer can boil the water in the hair shaft leaving the hair brittle and prone to breakage.


Years of wearing hair in a style that pulls on the hair such as a ponytail, cornrows, or braids can cause a type of hair loss known as traction alopecia.


There exist more types of Alopecia, called ‘Alopecia Areata.’ In essence, an autoimmune disease that affects up to 2% of the population, it causes round patches of hair loss and can lead to complete baldness, however, the good news is that the hair usually grows back.

Alopecia areata: Researchers believe that this is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune means the body attacks itself. In this case, the body attacks its own hair. This causes smooth, round patches of hair loss on the scalp and other areas of the body. People with alopecia areata are often in excellent health. Most people see their hair re-grow.

Women, on the other hand, tend to keep their hairline. They see noticeably thinning hair. The first sign of hair loss for many women is a widening part. In rare cases, men see noticeably thinning hair. And in rare cases, women can see a receding hairline or bald patches. The reasons for this are unknown.

Cicatricial (scarring) alopecia: This rare disease develops in otherwise healthy people. The disease destroys a person’s hair follicles. Scar tissue forms where the follicles once were, so the hair cannot re-grow. Treatment tries to stop the inflammation, which destroys the hair follicles.

Central centrifugal cicatricial (scarring) alopecia: This type of hair loss occurs most often in women of African descent. It begins in the center of the scalp. As it progresses, the hair loss radiates out from the center of the scalp. The affected scalp becomes smooth and shiny. The hair loss can be very slow or rapid. When hair loss occurs quickly, the person may have tingling, burning, pain, or itching on the scalp. Treatment may help the hair re-grow if scarring has not occurred.

14.Illness: Significant hair loss can occur after an illness. A major surgery, high fever, severe infection, or even the flu can cause hair loss. This type of hair loss is called telogen (tee-lə-jen) effluvium (ih-flu-vee-uhm).

Ringworm of the scalp: This disease is contagious and common in children. Without effective treatment, ringworm can cause balding.

Trichotillomania: This medical disorder causes people to repeatedly pull out their own hair. They often feel a constant urge to pull out the hair on the scalp. Some sufferers say they feel compelled to pull out their eyelashes, nose hairs, eyebrows, and other hairs on their bodies.

15.Weight loss: Some people see hair loss after losing more than 15 pounds. The hair loss often appears 3 to 6 months after losing the weight. This hair loss is common. The hair re-grows without he

16.Vitamin A: Too much vitamin A can cause hair loss. People can get too much of this vitamin through vitamin supplements or medicines. Once the body stops getting too much vitamin A, normal hair growth resumes.

17.Protein: When the body does not get enough protein, it rations the protein it does get. One way the body can ration protein is to shut down hair growth. About 2 to 3 months after a person does not eat enough protein, you can see the hair loss. Eating more protein will stop the hair loss. Meats, eggs, and fish are good sources of protein. Vegetarians can get more protein by adding nuts, seeds, and beans to their diet.


Some cancer treatments: Radiation therapy and chemotherapy can cause hair loss. This hair loss is often temporary, but it can cause great distress.

Some prescription medicines can cause hair loss. These include:

Blood thinners.

High-dose vitamin A.

Medicines that treat arthritis, depression, gout, heart problems, and high blood pressure.

Birth control pills: Some women who take the pill see hair loss. Sometimes, the hair loss begins when a women stops taking the pill. Women who get this hair loss often have hereditary hair loss.

Anabolic steroids (steroids taken to build muscle and improve athletic performance) may cause hair loss.

and after taking antibiotics,

19.Smoking can even damage your DNA and speeds up the hair fall condition. Hence, individuals, especially with genetic baldness, are highly recommended to avoid poor lifestyle choices to prevent faster hair loss.

20.inadequate sleep or rest

Symptoms of Hair Loss

Common symptoms of hair loss can be - hair loss in the parting of the hair in the mid-frontal area of the scalp (especially for women), for men, hair thinning on the top of the head, along with noticeable bald spots in the front are clear indications of ‘male pattern hair loss.’.

Additionally, if you find excessive hair than usual on the hairbrush after you brush your hair or more than the usual amount of hair in the drain after washing your hair, these are also signs of hair loss.

What remedies are suggested in Ayurveda for hair loss?

Some of us are willing to go that extra mile and put in the extra effort to stop hair fall. If you can make time for it, there are some effective home remedies recommended by Ayurveda that you can use to manage hair thinning and hair loss.

1.Shirodhara - ‘Shiro’ refers to head and ‘dhara’ to flow.

In Shirodhara, warm oils or liquids formulated with soothing Ayurvedic herbal ingredients are poured on your forehead from an oscillating container hung above. While the medicated liquid or oil travels down from the forehead to your scalp, the therapist gives a gentle massage on your scalp. This increases circulation and leads to better hair growth. It is beneficial to balance Vata and Pitta doshas in the body. This is one of the most effective Ayurvedic remedies for hair loss.

While your busy lifestyle and tight schedules make it difficult for you to take regular therapies of Shirodhara and Shiroabhyanga, you can adopt regular scalp massages with Ayurvedic oils at home to keep your doshas in balance. All you need to do is gently massage your scalp for about 15 minutes with pure Ayurvedic hair oil.

This stimulates your blood vessels and enhances blood circulation in your scalp. You can use hair oils with medicinal herbs specific to your elevated dosha, which soaks into your scalp tissues and heals the specific scalp disorders caused by imbalanced doshas. Thus, you can successfully prevent hair loss with regular oiling and scalp massages.

Oiling helps lessen the amount of breakage that occurs while washing the hair. The same goes for deep conditioning hair masks or protein hair masks. Just apply them for a few hours and wash off - and voila, healthy scalp and hair!

If you do not want the oil in your hair to get into your eyes or on your face, just tie it up in a loose bun and cover it with a shower cap, and you can go about your day just fine!

a.Coconut oil and Bringadi Oil in particular - they contain fatty acids so the oil deeply penetrates the hair follicles without evaporating and reduce protein loss from the hair. Massage it into your scalp and hair and leave it for at least 1-2 hours, then wash it off. You can also use coconut oil as a leave-in conditioner if your hair does not become oily quickly after wash day, it helps improve the luster of the hair. Coconut oil helps in promoting overall hair growth, making the hair soft and lustrous. It also protects the hair against heat damage, and repairs the weak and brittle hair strands. Rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, we can also use this oil as a conditioner. Coconut oil is suitable for all hair types and best suited to the ones with dull, damaged and dry hair and the ones with slow hair growth.

Brigandi oil is a combination of Bhringraj oil (extracted from the leaves of Bhringraj tree) and a few hair-friendly herbs like Amla, Indigo, Sesame. and Balloon Vines. This oil is an intensive hair treatment that helps in preventing hair loss, scalp irritation, dandruff, and premature greying. Brigandi oil also helps in cooling and soothing the scalp, preventing scalp infections, and conditioning the hair.

b.Sesame Oil - The oil is excellent for nourishing, conditioning, and promoting hair growth—the antimicrobial properties in sesame oil help in treating scalp infections. Sesame oil, also known as the “Symbol of Immortality” when applied regularly, provides relief from headaches, baldness, greying of hair, and hair fall. It suits all hair types and is highly recommended for those who are looking for regrowth of lost hair and want a sleek shine. For best results, heat the oil before applying it.

c.Neem Oil - full of antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties as well as fatty acids and Vitamin E. Neem oil prevents dandruff and hair lice, conditions and repairs damaged cuticles, reduces redness and irritation caused by eczema, and promotes hair growth. It also helps in preventing hair loss and premature greying of the hair.

d.Almond Oil

Did you know almond oil has the highest content of natural Vitamin E? It is also rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, proteins and magnesium which helps in reducing hair breakage and promoting hair growth. Along with moisturizing, almond oil also seals in the moisture preventing hair loss and breakage. This oil is the best for those who are looking for fast hair growth or those who have dry, damaged, and dull hair. You can directly use almond oil straight from the bottle and can also warm it before use.

2.Shiro Abhyanga

Here, oils like Bringamalakadi Taila, coconut and til (sesame seed) may be used to massage the head, neck, upper back and shoulders.The warm medicated oils are gently poured on the area of action and massage is given by various kinds of hand movements to stimulate pressure points in that area. The head massage in Shiroabhyanga enhances the flow of oxygen and blood into your scalp, thus, ensuring nutrient supply to your follicles.. It will help in preventing heating up of the scalp, helps in preventing greying hair and nourishes your sensory organs. Your head remains cool. The hormones released keep you happy. It is a therapy to relieve stress from muscles and tissues in your upper body along with your scalp.

3.Shiro Lepa

In Shirolepa, different Ayurvedic herbs in dry powdered form are mixed into a fine paste and is applied on the entire scalp of your head to help cool the head. Shiro Lepa is best used to pacify Pitta dosha and is extremely beneficial in treating premature greying, hair fall, and dandruff.

After applying this paste thoroughly, your scalp is covered with banana leaf, leaving the top portion of the scalp, from where a medicated Ayurvedic oil is poured on to the lepa. This enhances the interaction of medicinal paste with the deeper scalp tissues. Besides balancing aggravated doshas and providing nourishment to your hair follicles, Shiro Lepa relieves you from the issues of headache, the heaviness of head and stress.

Hair packs can be very effective Ayurvedic remedies for hair loss. Try some of these pastes.

a.Soak methi or fenugreek seeds overnight in boiled rice water. Grind it. Then, apply to the entire scalp and wash your hair. You can, also, mix this with curd.

b.Make a paste of besan, lemon and tender coconut water.

c.Mix besan with amla, reetha and shikakai.

d.Mix walnut and amla with curd or water.

e.Soak amla in curd and grind it. Add reetha, shikakai, neem and fenugreek to it.


Ayurveda suggests Nasya as one of the best therapy for hair loss related to the imbalance in tridoshas. The practice of lubricating your Nasal passages with Ayurvedic herbal oils is called 'Nasya' Kriya.

In Nasya kriya, you need to lie down horizontally and slightly tilt your head backward. Few oil drops are instilled into the nostrils and allowed to hit the back of your throat internally. Practicing Nasya in the morning is best to treat Kapha related problems, afternoon for Pitta disorders, and evening to relieve Vata disorders. Nasya also aids in enhancing immunity by strengthening the mucosal pathway and clearing your sinuses.

You can perform Nasya at home every day with Sesame oil. It has a warming and calming properties that help in balancing your nervous system. Also, you can use Brahmi Ghee for treating elevated Pitta dosha, Tikta Ghee for pacifying Vata or Pitta doshas, and Vacha oil for treating imbalanced Vata or Kapha doshas.

5.Regular Hair Cleansing With Ayurvedic Herbs

If you don't clean your hair regularly, the oils secreted and external pollutants clog your hair follicles, which leads to scalp irritation, itching, and hair fall. For best results, avoid chemical-free shampoos and start using Ayurvedic herbal shampoos which are mild.

6.You can also use natural Ayurvedic herbal solutions as hair cleansers, which boosts your hair growth by providing nourishment to your scalp besides cleaning action. It is best to have hair wash at least twice or thrice in a week to keep the scalp clean and healthy.

Ayurvedic Herbs Used As Hair Cleansers

Shikakai (Soap Pod), Reetha (Soap Nut), Triphala (Haritaki+Bibhitaki+Amalaki), Kumari (Aloe vera), Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Japa (Hibiscus), Methi (Fenugreek), Nimba(Neem), etc. are some of the commonly used Ayurvedic ingredients for Hair cleansing

Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is famous for its soothing and healing properties! We recommend putting pure aloe vera gel on your scalp and hair at least twice a week - it helps calm down an inflamed scalp and reduces dandruff. For those of us who have exceptionally oily scalps, aloe vera helps unblock the hair follicles blocked by excess oil, thus improving the issue of hair loss due to excessively oily scalp!

Onion Juice:

Some of us despise onions for their smell but keep on reading, and they might end up becoming a favourite of yours! Onion juice has been shown to successfully treat patchy Alopecia Areata by promoting hair growth and improving circulation! It is simple to apply as well - blend a few onions and squeeze out the juice, apply the juice to your scalp and hair, leave it in for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off and shampoo your hair as usual.

Yogurt: Of course, there is no end to the wonders yogurt can do to your overall health, especially to your hair. Rich in Vitamin B5 and Vitamin D, yogurt helps in promoting hair follicle health and preventing hair fall.

Just mix two tablespoons of yogurt with one tablespoon of honey and lemon and apply it on the scalp and hair roots taking the help of a brush. Leave it on for about half an hour and rinse off with normal water. It is recommended to use this pack once a week.

7.Ayurvedic Herbs For Hair Regrowth


In Ayurveda, Amla is the most preferred ingredient when it comes to maintaining hair health. It contains heaps of essential fatty acids that help in strengthening hair follicles and providing you with the luster you ever need. Rich in vitamin C, potent iron antioxidants, gallic acid, and carotene, Amla can help you in halting premature greying and providing blood circulation around the scalp, which indeed stimulates hair growth.

All you have to do is make a paste by mixing lime juice and amla powder and apply it to your scalp and hair. You can keep it on for about an hour and then rinse it off with normal water.


Shikakai remembers our grandmothers as they always insist on using Shikaki for proper hair care, don’t they? It is often considered as a natural alternative to shampoo due to its fantastic hair cleansing properties.

Rich in antioxidants and Vitamin A, C, K and D, Shikakai helps in keeping hair nourished and maintaining hair health. Dry out the Shikakai pods in the sun and then grind them to make powder. Take two tablespoons of this powder and mix it with coconut oil in a jar. Massage your hair with the mixture at least twice a week.


Reetha, also known as soapnuts, is another ingredient that has been used in the hair care regime for centuries. It contains saponin, which is responsible for keeping your hair healthy and soft.

You can prepare Reetha shampoo by taking several pieces of soap nuts and Shikakai points and boiling them in half a liter of water. Leave the mixture overnight, then strain it and use it as a shampoo.


Fenugreek or methi seeds also help in promoting hair growth and repairing hair follicles. It is an excellent ingredient for hair loss and regrowth.

All you have to do is soak methi seeds overnight in water and grind them to a fine paste. Apply the paste all over the scalp and hair. Rinse it off with normal water after about half an hour. For best results, do this thrice a week.


a. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)

b. Bhringraj (Eclipta Prostrata or Eclipta Alba)

c. Kumari (Aloe Vera)

d. Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng)

e. Japa (Hibiscus)

d. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

porcelain bowl dried lavender flowers

More ways to improve your hair health

1.Cleansing and Conditioning Your Hair

Firstly, a lot of us - especially men - tend to use soaps for cleansing their scalp and hair, this can be very problematic for the hair and scalp health. Soaps are too harsh and stripping, as are a lot of shampoos. We must use a mild shampoo, one which will not strip our scalp of its natural oils entirely.

As for conditioning, simply washing the hair with shampoo will not do, a good conditioner should be applied on 3/4th of the hair (avoiding the scalp). Most conditioners contain Amino acids, which help to nourish and repair the hair and reduce frizz and breakage of hair. There is no set frequency of hair washing that we can recommend, since it really depends on the individual’s hair type and how fast the scalp becomes oily after washing.

However, we recommend that you do not wash your hair so frequently that it becomes dry to the point of breakage and frizz.

2.Diet and Exercise To Prevent Hair Fall

Nutritious And Dosha Balancing Diet

According to Ayurveda, a wholesome diet that is rich in essential vitamins and minerals for hair growth plays a crucial role in keeping your doshas in balance and maintaining hair health.

keep in mind that according to Ayurveda, hair fall occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta energy in the body. For balancing Pitta, it is advised to reduce the consumption of hot, spicy, salty, and sour food items. You should also avoid tea and coffee as they activate Pitta. In addition to this, replace oily and fried food items with cooling food items such as cucumbers, leafy vegetables, coriander, cherry, pineapple, yogurt, and potatoes.

Below are a few nutrient-rich foods that Ayurveda suggests for healthy hair regrowth. Ensure you consume them regularly based on the status of your dosha levels.


Cucumber contains vitamin A, Vitamin C and silica, which helps in hair regrowth. It aids in pacifying the increased Vata and Pitta doshas in your body and promotes healthy hair growth with a soft texture.


Pumpkin contains essential minerals for hair growth like Potassium and Zinc. While potassium enhances regrowth of hair by activating your follicles, Zinc [3] helps in maintaining the collagen levels on your scalp and strengthens your hair roots. It is ideal in treating Vata and Pitta related hair loss.

c.Leafy Vegetables

Leafy vegetables like Collards, Spinach(Spinach is a healthy green vegetable that’s loaded with beneficial nutrients like folate and vitamins A and C, all of which may promote hair growth. Moreover, spinach is also a great plant-based source of iron, which is essential for hair growth.), Kale, etc are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and iron, which are essential for healthy hair growth. Most of the leafy vegetables help to pacify all the three doshas in the body.

d.Carrots: Carrots, along with other foods that contain beta-carotene (such as sweet potatoes), are something we will always recommend! The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is linked to good hair health. Vitamin A helps aid sebum production, additionally; it has other factors that may help speed up the rate of hair growth.


Yogurt has been known as one of the best hair care ingredients since ancient times. It is rich in lactic acid that helps in repairing hair with aggravated Vata related problems like dry and damaged hair. Also, it contains multiple vitamins required for stronger hair regrowth.


Peppermint [4] acts as a vasodilator in the body that enhances your blood circulation. Unless you have proper blood circulation in your scalp, the follicles do not receive nutrients you consume through your diet. Lack of blood circulation due to Pitta imbalance is one of the most common reasons for hair loss.


Coriander contains iron, magnesium, and manganese along with Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and protein. Include coriander in your everyday diet to combat hair fall and support your follicles to regrow healthy hair.

h.Eggs: Eggs are a great source of protein and biotin, which are essential for hair health and growth. Eating adequate protein is vital for hair growth because hair follicles are made mostly of protein. Biotin is necessary for the production of a hair protein called keratin, which is why biotin supplements are useful for hair growth.

i.Nuts and Seeds: Nuts are packed with nutrients like vitamin E, B vitamins, zinc and essential fatty acids, not to mention how they prove to be an impressive snack at almost any given time! Like nuts, seeds (like sunflower seeds) are rich in vitamin E and other nutrients that may promote hair growth. Some seeds (such as flax and chia seeds) also contain omega-3s, which have been linked to hair growth.

j.Beans: Beans are a great source of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin, which are all essential for optimal hair health. Not just that, beans are highly versatile so there are multiple ways for them to be incorporated into our diets (this one is for all the picky eaters out there!), beans are also comparatively inexpensive to purchase, meaning you will never have to miss out on them!


When it comes to exercising, at least 20-30 minutes of cardio (running/ skipping rope/cycling) will help make a difference. Physical activity for 30 minutes every day helps in balancing your hormonal levels and reducing stress, which in turn promotes healthy hair. So make sure you either walk, run, swim, or hit the gym every day. You can even do meditation or yoga to de-stress yourself.

3.Avoid Harmful Treatments To Prevent Hair Fall

To keep your hair as healthy as possible, avoid any type of chemical treatments that damage the hair or scalp in form. Avoid coloring your hair with chemicals and only use natural dyes. For dying your hair chemically, bleaching is usually required, which is terrible for the health of your hair.

You should also avoid straightening/curling or perming your hair and avoid blow-drying your hair with the ‘Heat - on’ setting. Applying heat to the hair (especially when it is wet) can cause the hair to essentially boil up - leaving it brittle and extremely prone to breakage.

4.Cut Down Your Stress!

Stress can disrupt the process of hair growth and lead to premature aging! Chronic stress is one of the causes of hair loss, so we urge you to try and reduce the amount of stress you are continually putting on yourself! Try regular meditation to help yourself calm down in the mornings and evenings; it will prove to be beneficial in the long run.

5.Avoid Hot Showers!

It is surprising how many people shower with hot water regularly! We understand that it can be the only respite from the cold in the winters, but hot water dehydrates the hair strands and strips the scalp of its natural oils, leading to brittle hair, which is very much in danger of breaking off easily. Try to wash your hair with lukewarm water; if nothing else, it can help immensely.

Do Not Comb Wet Hair!

6.Some of us find it easier to untangle our hair right after we have washed them. The problem with this is that hair are in its weakest state when it is wet?, so aggressive combing or any kind of heat styling is an absolute no-no! If you are worried that you will not be able to manage your hair once they have dried, try using a very wide-toothed comb to detangle your wet hair gently. You can even use a hair serum or hair oil to help you untangle your hair knots.

7.Keep Yourself Hydrated

Drink at least four to eight glasses of water every day to stay hydrated and promote healthy hair growth as one-quarter of your hair shaft contains water.

8.Reduce Alcoholic Beverages

9.Remeber to Keep Your Head Sweat Free

Men with oily hair always experience dandruff during summers as they tend to sweat a lot and increase the chances of hair fall. So, use shampoos that contain aloe vera and neem as they keep the head cool preventing dandruff.

Also, make sure you wear a scarf or bandanna over your hair while wearing a helmet because a helmet can make sweat accumulate in the pores and weaken the hair roots causing hair loss in men.

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Dr Monga Ayurvedic Clinic Ayurgrow 3-A , Lawrence road, Police Line Rd, Opposite Hotel Lawrence, Amritsar, Punjab

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