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Understanding Constitutional Growth Delay vs. Familial Short Stature

Writer: Shivam MongaShivam Monga

Understanding Constitutional Growth Delay vs. Familial Short Stature

Growth patterns in children can vary significantly, leading parents to seek explanations for short stature. Two common diagnoses are Constitutional Growth Delay (CGD) and Familial Short Stature (FSS). Understanding the differences between these conditions is crucial for parents and caregivers.

What is Constitutional Growth Delay?

Constitutional Growth Delay (CGD) is a temporary condition where children experience slower growth than their peers. These children often have a delayed bone age, meaning their skeletal development lags behind their chronological age.

Key Characteristics of CGD:

1. Late Bloomers: Children with CGD typically grow at a normal rate during infancy, slow down during early childhood, and then experience a late growth spurt during adolescence.

2. Normal Adult Height: Despite the delay, children with CGD usually reach a normal adult height.

3. Family History: There is often a family history of delayed growth spurts or late puberty.

What is Familial Short Stature?

Familial Short Stature (FSS) is a condition where children inherit shorter stature from their parents. These children grow at a rate consistent with their genetic potential and reach an adult height within the target range determined by their parents' heights.

Key Characteristics of FSS:

1. Consistent Growth: Children with FSS grow steadily along a lower growth percentile.

2. Predictable Adult Height: Their adult height is typically shorter but proportionate to their familial background.

3. No Delay in Bone Age: Unlike CGD, children with FSS have a bone age that matches their chronological age.

Differences Between CGD and FSS

1. Growth Pattern:

- CGD: Delayed growth followed by a catch-up phase.

- FSS: Steady growth along a lower percentile.

2. Bone Age:

- CGD: Delayed bone age.

- FSS: Normal bone age.

3. Final Adult Height:

- CGD: Normal adult height after delayed growth spurt.

- FSS: Shorter adult height consistent with family genetics.

Diagnosis and Management

1. Medical History and Examination**:

- Pediatricians will review family growth patterns and conduct physical exams.

2. Growth Charts:

- Tracking growth over time helps identify patterns characteristic of CGD or FSS.

3. Bone Age Assessment:

- X-rays of the hand and wrist determine bone age.

4. Hormone Tests:

- Ensuring normal levels of growth hormone and other endocrine functions.

5. Management:

- CGD: Typically requires no treatment beyond reassurance and monitoring.

- FSS: Focuses on ensuring proper nutrition and overall health.

When to Seek Medical Advice

Parents should consult a pediatrician if their child shows signs of growth delay or consistently falls below the expected growth percentiles. Early evaluation can provide reassurance and rule out other potential causes of short stature.


Understanding the differences between Constitutional Growth Delay and Familial Short Stature helps in managing expectations and ensuring proper monitoring. Both conditions generally do not require treatment, but knowing the distinction can guide parents in supporting their child's growth journey.

Contact Us for Expert Guidance

For personalized advice and comprehensive growth assessments, visit Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Clinic in Amritsar.

Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Clinic, Amritsar

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+91 9814455668

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